Meet Margaret

Margaret Ward, Attorney and Founder

I am not originally from Arkansas, but I have been here long enough that I call it home.  I came here for a job, and stayed for my husband and children.  After thirty-plus years, I am here to stay.

My law practice is my third or fourth career, depending on how you count.  I was an industrial engineer first.  Then, I was mom to two boys who needed my full-time support.  When the boys were less interested in having me around all the time, I took a job at UAMS in the College of Medicine.  While I was there, I realized my dream of going to law school in the evenings.  I graduated and passed the Bar in 2014. 

Years before I became an attorney, my husband and I found out purely by chance how important our estate plan is – if we aren’t smart in how we leave our money to our children, we could cause more harm than good.  I don’t want other families to find out the hard way that they need to plan ahead, too.

And a few years later, we needed to make a decision about whether or not to pursue guardianship of our older son (take a look at The M Blog for our family’s story).  We got a lot of bad, but well-meant, advice before we found someone who could help us through that decision.  Guardianship is a big step that needs to be carefully considered.  You know what is best for your family.  My job is to make sure you have the information you need to choose the best options.

A lot of people apologize for not knowing what they don’t know.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions, more than once if you need to.  My goal is for my clients to understand their options, be confident in their choices, and rest their heads at night knowing they’ve done the best they can for their family, and for themselves. 

I’m looking forward to meeting you,
