(Margaret and her husband are the proud parents of two sons – “Tater”, who is a young adult with Autism, and “Spud”, who is a student at UA-Fayetteville.)
Not every family has someone like Tater, but many families have someone who needs a little – or a lot – of protection from themselves or others when it comes to money. And none of us have a crystal ball. The future we expect may not be the future we get.
Your estate plan can decide who is in charge, who gets what, and how soon they get it. Since we don’t have that crystal ball, your estate plan can take many possible situations into account and plan accordingly.
None of us live forever. One of the best gifts you can give your family is making the tough decisions for them, now, while you have a clear head. Knowing what your wishes are and having the legal tools they need to carry out those wishes will let your family focus on taking care of you, and each other.